Writing Robust Selenium Python Scripts: Error Handling and Best Practices



As a tester, you may have encountered code issues, websites malfunctioning, and browsers refusing to cooperate. For anyone writing Selenium Python scripts, that moment when all tests pass on the first run is exhilarating, though rare.

Today, you’ll explore how to write robust Selenium Python scripts that handle errors effectively, using best practices to prevent browser issues and ensure smoother test execution.

The Allure and Challenge of Selenium

The ability to automate browsers across platforms with simple Python code is what makes it brilliant. When you first started with Selenium (cue flashback music), you might have thought, “Ah, this should be easy.” Little did you know you would spend hours debugging why a button click wasn’t registering, only to discover you hadn’t given the browser enough time to load the element! Lesson one: browsers are slow (and sometimes stubborn), and your script should account for that.

Let’s kick off with best practices before diving into the nitty-gritty of error handling.

Best Practices for Writing Selenium Python Scripts

Below are a few best practices for writing Selenium Python scripts effectively.

Use Explicit Waits Over Implicit Waits

Oh, the infamous waits. This is often where beginners trip up. You may have lost count of how many times you set up implicit waits only to discover it led to unpredictable failures. With explicit waits, you tell Selenium exactly what you’re waiting for, and when that element is ready, the script proceeds. It’s a lifesaver.

from import By

from import WebDriverWait

from import expected_conditions as EC

WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(

    EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, “my-element”))


This small adjustment can make a world of difference, especially for dynamic pages with elements that load asynchronously.

Handling Errors Like a Pro

Now, let’s talk about error handling. You can almost hear the collective groans because most of us hate debugging. It’s like being a detective but without the cool trench coat and hat. However, writing robust error handling in your Selenium scripts will save you from late-night coding sessions and, let’s face it, hair loss.

Try/Except Blocks to the Rescue

Python has this brilliant feature called try/except. It’s like telling your code, “Hey, I know things might go wrong here, so be cool and don’t crash everything.”

For instance, if you’re trying to interact with an element that sometimes takes longer to load, wrap your code in a try/except block.


    element = driver.find_element(By.ID, “non-existent-element”)

except NoSuchElementException:

    print(“Element not found, moving on…”)

This will ensure your script doesn’t break entirely, allowing you to handle the situation gracefully. Imagine being Sherlock Holmes but with better error logging.

Using Assert Wisely

Assertions are your checkpoints in the script. They validate if the expected condition holds and will throw an error if it doesn’t. However, overusing or misusing them can make debugging harder. Make sure your assertions are clear, purposeful, and informative.

assert “Login” in driver.title, “Login page not loaded correctly”

It’s like adding clear road signs to your journey. If the condition isn’t met, you’ll know exactly where things went off track.

My Fateful Encounter with a Locator Crisis

Ah, locators—the bread and butter of Selenium. But they can also be a double-edged sword. You may recall a time you used a CSS selector that was as specific as it could be. It worked flawlessly until… the web developer made a tiny change. Suddenly, your tests were failing all over the place.

The lesson? Always aim for stable locators. XPath is powerful, but sometimes too powerful. Go for simple and unique locators like IDs when possible.

Here’s a small list to keep in mind:

  • IDs: First choice, super fast and reliable (if available).
  • Name: Decent fallback if no ID.
  • CSS Selector: Efficient but can break easily.
  • XPath: Last resort, use sparingly!

To enhance the capabilities of Selenium testing, you can use a cloud-based platform that helps enhance the testing process ten times faster.

Integrating LambdaTest: Elevating Your Selenium Experience

With LambdaTest, an AI-powered test execution platform, you can run manual and automation testing at scale cross 3000+ browsers and OS configurations. You can even run them in parallel, cutting down your test time significantly.

Here’s a quick example of how you can integrate LambdaTest with your Selenium script:

from selenium import webdriver

desired_caps = {

    “browser”: “Chrome”,

    “version”: “latest”,

    “platform”: “Windows 10”


driver = webdriver.Remote(





Debugging: The Art of Finding a Needle in a Stack of Needles

Debugging Selenium tests can sometimes be like looking for a needle in a haystack, except sometimes it’s more like a stack of needles. This is where logging comes in handy.

Logs to Troubleshoot

When something goes wrong, logs will be your best friend: they give you a breadcrumb trail. Utilize Python’s built-in logging module to set up various log levels like INFO, DEBUG, and ERROR to gain insights into what went wrong.

import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)“Starting the browser session”)

Now, instead of playing the guessing game, you have concrete data to figure out what went wrong.

Screenshots for Failed Tests

One of your favorite techniques might be to capture screenshots when a test fails. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when debugging UI issues. Selenium makes this super easy:


Once discovered, a test failed because the developer had changed the button color to white… on a white background. Screenshots made catching this design faux pas instant.

The Future of Selenium Testing: AI and Machine Learning?

With AI and machine learning making massive leaps, the way you test is evolving too. Tools that incorporate AI to predict test failures suggest locators, and even write test scripts automatically are becoming a reality. In fact, some AI tools can even fix broken tests by auto-generating new locators when old ones fail—think of it as your automation assistant.

And who knows? In the next few years, you might be using AI-driven Selenium testing platforms like LambdaTest, where most of the manual coding gets replaced by intelligent scripts that adapt to changes in real-time.

Conclusion: Crafting Reliable Selenium Tests

Writing Selenium Python scripts that are robust, reliable, and easy to debug is both an art and a science. From using proper waits to integrating LambdaTest for cross-browser testing, the key lies in adopting best practices and setting up solid error-handling mechanisms. You will not only save yourself from lots of headaches but also impress your teammates with bulletproof tests.

After all, as the saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” That well-written script, in the world of testing, saves you from running hours and hours of tests.

Remember, automation testing isn’t just about making things faster—it’s about making things smarter. Happy coding, and may your locators always be stable!

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